About the Journal

The “Journal of Surgery and Trauma “is the official scientific quarterly publication of the Department of General Surgery of Birjand University of Medical Sciences that welcomes articles on all aspects of Trauma and Surgery Practice, Research, Education, and Policy. The articles presented need not have been the products of surgeons or of Emergency Medicine. The journals emphasize is on the interdisciplinary approach; Therefore, It can be articles from the fields of Anesthesia, Psychology, Nursing, Toxicology, Education, Pharmacology, Nutrition, Health, Microbiology, Laboratory Science, etcetera that is related to the field of Surgery and Trauma.

Licenses to publish:  2012/7/2

The journal is indexed in Magiran, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus(ICV 2020: 81.29), ISC, SID, Open Access RepositoryDRJIROAD.

EISSN  2345_4873

Publisher: Birjand University of Medical Sciences

Chairman: Ahmad Amouzeshi, M.D

Editor-in-Chief: Ahmad Amouzeshi, M.D

Co-Editor-in-Chief: Amir Kazem Vejdan, M.D
Mahmoud Hosseinzadeh, M.D
Omid Mehrpour, M.D
Fereshteh Osmani, Ph.D
Executive Manager: Zahra Amouzeshi, Ph.D

Executive Expert: Mahdi Heidari, BSc

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License which allows users to read, copy, distribute and make derivative works for non-commercial purposes from the material, as long as the author of the original work is cited properly. Submitting the article to this journal is free. Copyright and downloading articles from this journal are free. The costs of this Journal are paid by Birjand University of Medical Sciences. Using the Orcid ID is mandatory for all authors. All articles will be reviewed twice for plagiarism.

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About the Journal

Journal of Surgery and Trauma is the official publication of the department of general surgery of Birjand University of Medical Sciences, which publishes clinical and experimental studies in trauma and all of the surgery fields.

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