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Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dentistry, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, Iran
Abstract:   (128 Views)
  • Providing proper systematic and comprehensive nursing care is crucial for holistic patient management in hospitals. Nursing plays a vital role in providing comprehensive healthcare to individuals with various illnesses, including those in the maxillofacial and medical fields. Maxillofacial nursing specializes in caring for patients with head, face, neck, and oral cavity injuries, diseases, or surgical conditions. This article explores the differences in nursing performance between these two areas, focusing on clinical skills, communication, documentation, and quality of care. It emphasizes the importance of specialized training and interdisciplinary collaboration to optimize nursing performance in maxillofacial settings. Understanding and appreciating the unique challenges faced by healthcare professionals across specialties are essential for scholars. Nursing education mainly occurs in hospitals and is primarily taught by the field's professors. However, nurses have limited exposure to dental/maxillofacial procedures. The Nursing Council notes the insufficient courses in the curriculum integrating dental/maxillofacial education for nursing students. This shortage is felt not only in Iran but also all over the world (1). Consequently, inexperienced nurses may struggle when caring for maxillofacial patients due to their limited knowledge and lack of skills in this area. This often leads to the patient care responsibility being solely placed on maxillofacial surgeons or even overlooked entirely. Kumar et al. (2020) conducted a survey evaluating nurses' knowledge and awareness of managing maxillofacial injuries. They concluded that increased awareness, validated guidelines, and training resources are needed to enable nurses to provide appropriate and sufficient care to patients with maxillofacial injuries (2). Another important aspect of performance is self-confidence. The most important steps to building self-confidence are knowledge and experience. Unfortunately, it has been shown that lack of knowledge can damage this self-confidence (3). Therefore, trying to increase nurses' knowledge in this area not only helps patients receive better treatment but also increases nurses’ confidence in the upcoming challenges in hospitals.
Full-Text [PDF 264 kb]   (60 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Letter to Editor | Subject: Nursing
Received: 2024/07/12 | Accepted: 2024/08/10 | ePublished ahead of print: 2024/08/24

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